If you or your loved one developed mesothelioma because of asbestos exposure, there are a few ways your family could receive legal compensation. We can help evaluate your legal options by filing a mesothelioma lawsuit, negotiating a settlement or filing an asbestos trust fund claim.


Filing a mesothelioma lawsuit is often the best way for families to get enough compensation to cover medical bills and other financial hardships of cancer.

A mesothelioma lawsuit can take two forms:

In both cases, plaintiffs may seek compensation for medical bills, lost income, loss of consortium and pain and suffering.

Filing either type of mesothelioma lawsuit is a complex and time-sensitive process, but we will make it as stress-free as possible for you and ensure you do not have to appear in court unless it's absolutely necessary.

Our mesothelioma lawyers can help you:


Plaintiffs in Florida have won multimillion-dollar court awards in mesothelioma lawsuits.


In 2017, a South Florida appeals court upheld a $9 million award to the estate of Dennis Britt. Britt worked as an employee benefits advisor and was exposed to asbestos at several Northrop Grumman facilities during the 1970s and 1980s.

Britt filed a lawsuit after developing mesothelioma, but died of the cancer in 2014 before his case was resolved. His wife continued the lawsuit as the representative of his estate.


In 2015, the Florida Supreme Court upheld a $6.6 million award to William Aubin, who was exposed to asbestos in construction materials from 1972 to 1974. Aubin developed mesothelioma in 2008 and sued multiple defendants, including Union Carbide and Georgia Pacific.


Union Carbide mined asbestos and supplied it to Georgia Pacific, which used it to produce products such as joint compound and texture sprays. Neither company ever warned consumers about the risks of asbestos exposure.


Very few mesothelioma lawsuits make it to the courtroom. Most cases result in confidential settlement agreements negotiated between the plaintiff and each defendant company.

Settling out of court means accepting less compensation than a jury might award, but it is often in a family's best interest to settle. The examples of mesothelioma lawsuits filed by Britt and Aubin illustrate why.

At Florida Consumer Lawyers, we can negotiate with defendant lawyers on your behalf and advise you on when to accept a settlement offer and when to hold out for more compensation.

Securing a fair settlement amount depends on building a strong case that could potentially win a large jury verdict. This means carefully documenting all the expenses that mesothelioma has caused your family and gathering clear evidence of each defendant's negligent behavior.


Since asbestos litigation began in the 1970s, many asbestos companies have filed for bankruptcy protection. In exchange for being shielded from lawsuits, companies have set up special personal injury trust funds to provide compensation for people who develop mesothelioma.

Currently, there is an estimated $30 billion set aside for claimants, across 60 active asbestos personal injury trusts.

We can review the asbestos-exposure history of clients in the Tampa Bay area and tell them which asbestos trust funds they may be eligible to receive compensation from.

You are not necessarily limited to trust funds in Florida, and you may be able to file a claim to multiple asbestos trusts.

To file an asbestos trust fund claim, you must provide documentation of your mesothelioma diagnosis and asbestos-exposure history. This is similar to the evidence we would help you gather for a mesothelioma lawsuit, and you may be able to file a trust fund claim at the same time as a lawsuit.

Every mesothelioma case is unique, which is why we take the time to talk to our clients and understand the details of their situation. This is the only way to ensure they receive as much mesothelioma compensation as possible.


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